Friday, 7 November 2014

Water intake- Easier than you think

 Water, naturally abundant fluid that is essential for living. But apart from this fact water is essential for proper functioning of our body. If we include water in our regular diet with conscious effort, we will not be facing most of the common problems that become disorders later like gastric, acidity, skin problems etc.

-          Drink water before and after exercise to keep your self-hydrated

-          Drink Luke warm water early in the morning to detoxify your body

-          Drinking a glass of water before meal prevents you from over-eating

-          Add water to your alcoholic drinks instead of adding sparkling water

-          Keep a bottle of water with you and drink water in every half hour or so

Drinking water will become a habit after conscious effort. Once it happens you will feel thirsty of your own. Water is essential for human body as 50-75% of human body composes water. Therefore it keeps joints lubricated and digestion proper. Water also removes waste materials from the body and keeps skin moisturized.

Wednesday, 22 October 2014

Let's reduce the pain of Arthritis

Arthritis; a common ailment that most of us have seen people suffering with.  The pain and inflammation is unbearable and this gets worse with age. Medications give relief over a period of time and pain killers do release the pain but only until the medicine works. These days’ people are looking out for herbal and natural remedies to cure arthritis.

Weight is definitely a cause which aggravates the problem; therefore it is advised to keep your weight in check. There are few other ways which can provide major relief to those who are suffering from arthritis. One of such a treatment is called Hot and Cold Therapy. In this method, the patient is advised to take hot water bath in the morning. They can also use blanket or hot or cold water bag around the joints. This not only provides immediate relief but also helps in making the joints loosen up.

Some natural and readily available items like turmeric and aloe- vera are also popular in curing arthritis. These products are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric can easily be added in the food and is one of the known spices that are present in almost all Indian food items.
Aloe-vera on the other hand is widely used for soothing sunburn skin. What is not known is that, this product can be also used to soothe achy joints. Similar to Aloe-vera, Eucalyptus is a also easily available. It reduces the welling and thereby the pain subsided. 

Many people go for message which also relieves the pain over time. Eucalyptus oil can be used for messaging of arthritis joints. Message reduces pain and also improves the movement of joints.

Thursday, 10 April 2014

Tale of the Nail

Nails are considered to be the dead cells which do not have use. But there are important facts about these dead cells which most of us are not aware of. Did you know that nails keep on growing even after a person is dead?

But considering nails absolutely useless or merely something just for beautification of the body would be wrong. Nails do tell a lot about our health. We sometimes notice white spots on the nails. At times the color of the nail may also seem different. All these are signs of improper functioning of the body.

1-      Pale nails- Pale nails are the early sign of diabetes or liver disease.

2-      Brittle nails- If your nails break easily by even slightest touch then this means your thyroid glands are not functioning properly.

3-      Blue nails- Pink nails are sign of proper blood flow in the body. If the nails are turning blue then probably you have respiratory problem due to which there is deficiency of oxygen in your body. In extreme cold temperature lack of oxygen is obvious, but if otherwise you should definitely go for a physical checkup.
4-      White Spots- Nails with white spots indicate deficiency of zinc in the body.

5-      White nails- White nails indicate improper blood circulation and lack of iron in the body.

6-      Horizontal lines- If you notice horizontal lines crossing the entire nail then it show that you have highly stressed.

Nails reflect your health and may give early signs of some diseases or disorders. We usually ignore such signs as we think that they will disappear on their own. Most of the time they do, but sometime the disorder if ignored for long may create a bigger problem. If the change you notice on your nails persist for a longer time, then it would be better to take a doctor’s opinion.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Which cookware should we choose?

Well, this article is the result of a comment I received on my last post. Our doubts are obvious when we are talking about non-stick cook wares. They have made cooking so efficient and economical, and now cooking is no more a struggle. Thanks to these non- stick vessels. But when there are raised concerns about their bad effects, they cannot be ignored just like that.

So in this post we will talk about various Cookware and their ill effects, if any:

1-      Teflon or Non-stick vessels-
Non-stick utensils have a coating which actually prevents substances to stick to the vessel. This coating is called Teflon. Researchers have their concerns about the effect of Teflon on environment. If overheated, the chemical present in the coating starts fuming which can cause irritation in humans as well as pets. Many articles if you search in the internet also relate the coating with various forms of cancer. New kind of non-stick has now been introduced in the market which has ceramic coating, which is considered to be a better option.

2-      Cast Iron-
Cooking in an iron vessel is considered to be a good option since it increases the iron content in the food. Usually there is very little amount of iron in our daily diet and since it is important element for the development of the brain, cooking in an iron pot saves our effort to search food rich in iron. Problem with such vessels is that, you should transfer the cooked food in another vessel since too much of iron will leach out if the food is kept in the same pot for a long time.

3-      Stainless Steel-
Stainless Steel cook wares are known for their evenly heating quality. They are stable in heat and do not release any harmful element in the food. Generally a thick bottom vessel is better than a thin bottom pan. Overall a good option for a cook ware.

4-      Aluminum-
Aluminum vessel should also be avoided if the vessel is uncoated. Uncoated aluminum vessel can have harmful effects on human brain. It is also increases the risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Although the aluminum vessel coated with stainless steel should be preferred.

5-      Copper-
Just like stainless steel, copper also has the quality of even heating. Copper vessels are generally coated with some other metals to avoid copper from dissolving into the food. This is because large amount of copper can cause nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore the old copper vessels in which the coating has been scratched off should not be used for cooking. 

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Non-Stick Cooking- Helpful or Hazardous?

Non-stick cooking vessels have made our lives so easy. Isn’t it? Not only the cooking has become easy, the cleaning of the vessel is no more a big headache. But should the convenience be a bigger concern than health? If no, then you should also be aware of the disadvantage of non stick cooking.

Certain researchers and environmentalists have shown their concern about the chemical that is been used for making the inner coating of non stick cookware. Due to excessive use or heat the coating starts releasing toxic chemical into the air which is hazardous. So the utmost suggestion is to use non coated vessels as much as possible.

If you cannot avoid using them, then make sure you take the following precaution:

-          Never pre-heat the vessel empty

-          When you are pre-heating with oil then do not allow the oil to smoke

-          If the coating has started to wear off then discard the vessel

-          Do not use metallic spoons or ladles in nonstick vessel to avoid any scratching of the coating

-          Cook in medium or low flame

Health conscious people prefer using nonstick cookware as they can use a lot lesser oil for cooking than they would use otherwise. But at the same time it can expose you to higher risks. Cooking will no more be helpful if you get exposed to some potential risks. After all helpful cooking should also be healthy cooking. 

Thursday, 13 March 2014

For a Balanced attitude towards life- Watch a Tragedy Movie

This may sound absolutely opposite of what one would like to do while going through a difficult phase, but some great people think it works. When we feel blue or nothing seems nice, we tend to do something which would uplift our spirits. Watching a tragedy movie or a tragic play is not what we would go for. But the legendry philosopher and one of the greatest thinkers- Aristotle differs. Aristotle believed that a tragedy gives pleasure because it excites pity and fear.

There have been many view points on this theory of Aristotle, but researchers and many critics agree with him for two major reasons:

1-      Relative emotions:
When you are in an emotional state of mind you are able to relate to the emotions of a tragedy. At many instances even you feel that you have experienced something similar to what is exhibited on stage. Therefore you respond in a similar way. Tragedy not only excites the negative emotions like pity and fear, but also provides a vent so that it can get out of your system. Hence you feel a pleasurable relief after watching a tragedy. The tragic process is a kind of illumination of the soul which gives you a balanced attitude towards life.

2-      You can count your blessing:
An exhibition of a tragic story on the stage also gives you an opportunity to see the positive aspect of your life. While in a negative frame of mind, we neglect the other aspect of the incident which could have a brighter side. But due to our excess of emotion we turn blind to those possibilities. Hence a story depicted on screen gives us a chance to count our blessings, see what we have along with the darker side on which we are already brooding.

Again the theory so stated is limited to only on stage enactment of a tragic story, and not an actual or real tragedy. While watching a movie or a play even though we get engrossed and emotional, we are aware that it is just a fine presentation of a story by good actors.

I am not sure how effective this trick would be. On the belief that Aristotle is well known philosopher and keeping him in good faith, I might try this as well the next time I feel blue. If it works I have no idea how would I thank him, but definitely another article would get posted on my blog detailing my experience.

Thursday, 6 March 2014

A Breath of Life

Breathing is a process that is continuous even when we are in an unconscious state. This process is giving us oxygen and hence keeping us alive. But there are very few people who are aware that breathing right is more important than just breathing. Most of us breathe shallow and because of this are not in a complete state of wellness.

There are group of ‘breatharians’ who are actually learning to breathe in the right way. Deep breathing can be cure of multiple ailments like asthma, allergies, heart disorder, insomnia etc. Breathing deep comes from a continuous practice. A conscious effort will help you in making deep breathing your habit.
There are multiple practices like yoga, martial arts and meditations which focuses of proper inhaling and exhaling. Four easy practices which are taught in yoga can help you to practice proper breathing even at home.

1-      Chanting of ‘Om’- This is a very easy exercise in which you have to chant the word ‘Om’, while you exhale. You have to stress the word while you utter it loud. This increases your inhaling and exhaling time. The more you will inhale; the exhalation time will also get extended automatically.

2-      Count while breathing- In this process you have to count while inhaling and exhaling. Initially start with smaller number and then with practice increase the numbers slowly.

3-      Anuloma-Viloma- This breathing exercise will not only help you in practicing a proper breathing but will also keep your brain healthy. In this exercise you have to use alternate nostril while inhaling and exhaling. As we all know that left side of our brain is responsible for thinking, while right side helps us to sense and feel. When we close our right nostril and inhale from the right side, oxygen reaches our right brain and same thing happens when we inhale from left nostril keeping the right nostril close.

4-       Ujjayi- Ujjayi is a breathing process which is also known as Ocean Breath. In this process we have to make hissing sound while inhaling and exhaling.

You have to focus on your breath while practicing these exercises. Proper breathing also increase the blood flow and oxygen flow to your brain and body. The rhythm that is created due to controlled breathing keeps the mind relaxed and also energizes the body. It might take a longer time for few people to bring the whole process in daily practice, but once it is achieved you can feel the difference in your body and state of mind. 

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Do I need to pray every day?

Prayer is very important part of life. It does not matter to which religion or country we belong, prayer is by default one of our daily activities. When we were kids, the elder members of the family ensured that we pray every day.

The significance of praying is much more than just making kids aware of their religion or making them disciplined. Studies show that praying has immense effect on brain health. Since praying is the only time when we are alone and do self analysis, we become aware of our inner desires and emotions. As during this exercise we ‘wish’ for good things, optimism fills our brain, therefore we feel good. Even if we are guilty or in pain, we ask for forgiveness or seek some desired results. In that case too our emotions and stress are released and we feel relaxed. Let’s see some of the effects of praying:

1-      Praying reduces risk of developing depression

2-      It helps in reducing mental and physical stress

3-      The relaxing effect lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disorders and migraines

4-      Chanting and singing song reduces asthma symptoms as well as improves immunity

5-      Increases sense of happiness and optimism

According to Health Psychology studies, prayer and meditation enhances longevity of a person. This is not the result of religious devotion, but of calm and in-controlled behavior. The feel good factor that is experienced after praying actually benefits your body.

Another interesting finding is that prayer makes one gentle and humble. Wonder why? This is by reducing the ego by affecting that area which is associated with the concerned emotion. Therefore a person who prays daily is more gentle and humble than a person who does not.

It does not matter if you pray for religious or spiritual purpose, as long as you are praying; you are doing a favor to your body. 

Friday, 21 February 2014

Touch Therapy

I always feel secure and safe when I am close to my mother. I am sure the feeling is universal and is experienced by everyone. But I also had similar feeling in school days when one of my favorite teachers walked past me during exams. I always wished her to be in the class during exams as I used to be very scared. It is not the person but the vibes or energy that you receive from them that makes you feel in a certain way.

This energy is used for the treatment of people from several years. The power of positive thinking is used to design a new kind of therapy known a ‘Touch Therapy’. Though it is not a new concept, but is based on ancient healing customs which believes that everyone has a healing hand and power to bestow wellbeing.

Now this is been taken to a new level and exclusive touch therapy centers are being opened. Studies have shown that even heart surgery patients recover faster when they undergo touch therapy before and after the surgery. Not only this, Touch Therapy has been effective in reducing stress, reducing pain, depression, strengthening immune system and also in case of cancer care patients.

This treatment is been preferred by people who have undergone serious medical procedure or are suffering with multiple diseases. Since the medication in such case is high already, they do not want to add more medicine in their diet. So as a better alternative, touch therapy not only helps in reducing the suffering but also increases ones natural ability to self-heal.

One of the interesting researches has shown that women who often hug their partners have lower blood pressure compared to those who do not do so. The conclusion therefore is that we all have healing touch; it just depends on how positive we are in our approach.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Diabetics should avoid sugar- MYTH

It is a general belief that diabetes patients should avoid sugar at all cost. But to your surprise it is nothing but a myth. Diabetes patients can as well enjoy desserts. You do not have to avoid sweet all together. All you have to do is to plan your meal properly. Good news, isn’t it? But don’t be excited so soon. Let’s see how you can plan your meal so that you don’t have to avoid your favorite ice-cream when everyone else is enjoying it.

1-      Choose food with high fiber-
High fiber food takes longer to get digested. Therefore it regulates insulin level in the body naturally. Choose healthy alternatives like; take brown rice instead of white rice, wheat bread instead of white bread, high fiber cereal instead of sugar cereal and most importantly have whole fruit instead of fruit juice. High fiber food not only gives you lasting energy but also keeps you full for a longer time.

2-      Cut down sugar where possible-
You don’t have to avoid sugar; you just have to cut down on sugar where ever possible. For example- Reduce on the consumption of soft drinks, instead of adding two spoon sugar in your tea add only one, consume juice without adding sweetener.

3-      Avoid unhealthy fats-
Always avoid unhealthy fats. You can easily avoid them by not consuming fast food items, red meat, whole cream etc. Include healthy fats like low fat yogurt, peanut butter, nuts etc. Instead of red meat go for fish, skinless chicken etc.

4-      Adjust the calorie intake-
If you want to have dessert, then adjust your calorie intake accordingly. Eating sugar items means increasing consumption of carbohydrates. So you have to cut back on other carbohydrate items. For example, avoid potatoes or if there are two vegetables then take only one, do not consume gravy items. Sugar intake should be with a meal. Do not eat sweet dish as a snack.

5-      Eat of at regular intervals-
The best way to control your sugar level is to have a disciplined life style. Instead of eating three heavy meals in a day, try having six small meals. This will regulate the insulin level in your body. Do not stay hungry for a long time and never skip your breakfast. Skipping breakfast will increase your craving and you end up eating more.

6-      Exercise-
This is one thing which most of the people are lethargic about. Weight management is the best way to control diabetes. Exercise regularly for half an hour. Along with a control diet, exercising is equally important.

So the fact remains that you don’t have to avoid your favorite food. All you have to do is to plan your meal. Treat yourself on avoiding a high calorie meal because you deserve it. Please do not avoid exercising as it is necessary to regulate your insulin level. Eat healthy and enjoy your favorite food. 

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Color your mood

Colors play such important role in our lives. The wonderful texture of the food makes it look yummier. A black and white movie when re-launched in color print forces people to watch a familiar movie again. On one hand a beautiful girl in a red dress can turn so many heads, on the other, long black locks becomes a center of attraction in a party.

But the importance of color does not end with its ability of increasing our appetite or making someone look more attractive. Its influence extends to a limit where they can influence our mood as well as health.
Green and blue colors sooths people in hot summer days. These colors relax your brain and have cooling effect. It is believed that bed room should not be painted red as it gives you disturbed sleep. On the other hand color studies shows that detail-oriented tasks when done in a room painted red, shows better results. Let us see how different colors can influence us:

1-      White- White is always associated with peace. Mostly this color is found in religious place where the atmosphere by default is peaceful and enlightened. One of the main reasons behind this is that white reflects light which makes the place brighter.

2-      Green- It is a symbol of life and energy. As green color is familiar to us through plants and trees, so our mind experiences similar feeling when we see green color.

3-      Blue- Just like Green, Blue is also a color which sooths us. We associate Blue with sky and water, therefore the effect is also cool, soothing and calm. Blue promotes creativity and also helps in lowering your blood pressure.

4-      Red- Red is color of passion. In many cultures, Red is believed to be the color of God. You would have seen Red color been used mostly by sports teams and sports companies, or by those companies which manufacture energy drinks, speed cars or advertisement firms. This is because Red is associated with energy, enthusiasm, speed, heat, power etc.

5-      Gray- Gray is a gloomy shade and so is used very carefully in painting rooms. It’s a sensitive color which can either depress you even more, or can recharge you with new enthusiasm if used carefully.

6-      Purple- It is a very relaxing color and promotes sleep. Color studies advices patients suffering with insomnia to use purple sheets as it comforts the patient and helps him to find some sleep.

7-      Yellow- This color is associated with sun and fire. Yellow stimulates proper functioning of nervous system, endocrine and liver function.

So do not include just any color randomly in your surroundings. It is important to understand colors because may be your work gets affected just because you have a wrong color in your work area. Or maybe your son feels sleepy in the study room due to the effect of purple curtains.

Colors are vital for our life, so paint your life with wonderful colors and watch their colorful effect.

Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Sing for your heart

As a child I was always very timid. I would never volunteer for any individual performance or responsibility. In a question answer session, I would not reply even after knowing the correct answer until my teacher asked me in particular. But one activity was always fun for me as I would not have to be conscious- Group singing. I would sing my heart out. It used to be so much fun when the pitch flowed from low to high and vice-versa. That feeling is something which I cannot explain in words.

Singing always gives pleasure to a person due to the release of endorphins which relaxes the body by reducing stress. The effect of singing is similar to that of chocolate, except for the consumption of extra calories.

Researchers have shown that Singing boosts immunity along with increasing life expectancy. Singing has also shown effective results in case of lung cancer patients since it is a wonderful exercise for lungs, heart and vocal cords.

Many a times you would have heard the experienced singers suggesting people to sing from the belly. The reason behind this suggestion is that, when a person sings from belly, the diaphragm which helps in controlled breathing is put into function. Hence we can inhale more air, keep it inside for a longer time and push it through our vocal cords in a much forceful and effective manner. In short, the whole process promotes our immune system and keeps our heart and lungs healthy.

Singing also acts as stress buster. It brings you in good mood by releasing endorphins which makes you happy by lowering your stress levels and blood pressure.

Though singing is not a complete workout but you would be surprised to know that many people prefer Singing over Yoga. I agree that with Yoga you have to put lot more effort, but the benefits of singing have certainly made people to do this.

In many places group singing and choir singing is been promoted so that people could reap its benefits. Group singing is more like Group Meditation because the heart rates sync up together during group singing.

I have sung for heavens
I have sung for thee
Let me sing a song
That is meant just for ‘Me’!

All the songs are meant for you. The only thing you have to do is to sing your heart out and feel the pleasure that is beyond words. The pleasure you feel is not only the happiness inside, but also the positive change that your body can experience. 

Friday, 31 January 2014

Want to be A Perfect Sculpture or a Mended One?

Obesity amongst kids is the common problem you must have heard about. But there is another group of kids who are fitness freaks. Don’t reach to a conclusion too soon thinking parents of this group of kids do not have to worry about their health. Obviously the concerns are different, but it is equally difficult to deal with these kids.

You can easily recognize the kids belonging to the second group. They are usually self obsessed and too concern about their looks. Sometimes they spend the whole day in front of a mirror. On one hand there are girls who want to go thin and in the process sometimes end up in hospitals due to malnutrition. On the other hand, the boys worship muscularity and spend hours in the gym with the weights. And when they cross the threshold they lose their chance to having a proper growth.

Teens, irrespective of the generations, are stubborn and do not want to listen. Parents because of their concern for the kids are determined to make them understand. Apparently it cannot work both ways. So what do we need to do then?

Girls, it is important to look perfect but not at the cost of your health. Everyone has an ideal weight according to their height, sex and age. If you reduce beyond that ideal weight then you would look like a citizen of a drought stricken country. And that might not be so much appealing.

-          So first find out what should be your ideal weight considering your age and height

-          Do a routine workout, but do not over exert yourself. If you want, then go for a trainer who can guide you properly

-          Do not skip your meals because that damages your body internally. Avoid fatty junk foods and take low calorie, nutritional diet

-          Remember, our body gets accustomed to the routine workouts and after a while do not respond to the same. So keep modifying your exercises in a fortnight or so

-          Take proper rest too

Boys’, keeping your body in good shape and size is nice, but a muscular and toned body looks great with great height. You don’t want to be a person of short height with a bulky body. Lifting weight will not stop the growth of teenagers, but researches have shown that lifting heavy weights stops the growth process at an early age. Lifting extremely heavy weights closes the growth plates at a premature age. Therefore reduces the chance of complete development of the body.

-          The optimum age at which you can start the strength training is 15 or 16

-          Before you start getting trained, go for a medical test to be sure that you are not suffering from blood pressure, hernias or any back problems

-          Start with your own body weight or go for minimal weights

-          Parents or trainers supervision is necessary to avoid any injuries

-          20-30 minutes workout is more than enough, but it should not be done daily. 2-3 times a week would be appropriate

-          Supplements and steroids is a big no because they have adverse health effects

-          Warm ups and cool down exercises are important and cannot be ignored

You know people who say ‘Health is Wealth’ are absolutely right. We don’t realize what harm we cause to our body in the process of becoming a piece of sculpture. But once the harm is done, you don’t get a chance to reverse it. After all even a mended sculpture is also called a defective piece. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Smile… a never lasting Smile

Smile…a never lasting smile
A smile can bring you near to me

Smile… a sweet little smile that makes one look much more attractive. One smile gives reason to many others to smile back. Smile not only says ‘I am happy’, but also is a symbol of confidence and positive frame of mind. But did you ever think that smile could have health benefits too?

Did you know that for a smile, twenty-six facial muscles have to work together? This stretching of our facial muscles is like an exercise for our face. As a result our face gets toned and we look young. Similarly there are other benefits too, like:

1-      Immunity booster- Smile, as we have talked before is a sign of positive frame of mind. Therefore, smile gives us new spirit and stamina to fight back. Due to this positive attitude our immunity gets a natural boost from within and our body gets in a better state to protect itself from foreign ailments.

2-      Controls our blood pressure- When we are under stress our heart beat increases noticeably and blood pressure also elevates. A smile works like a magic for our body in such a case and lowers our blood pressure. Our heart beat reduces and we feel much better. Though this may seem a stupid way, as you have to smile for no reason. But if people can drink and smoke to stay calm, then this seems to be a healthy option to try. Isn’t it?

3-      Keeps stress under control- As mentioned in the above point, a smile controls pulsation, thus relaxes our body and brain. It acts like a stress buster and gives our brain some time to relax and act in a better way.  

4-      A natural drug for pain- Smile brings a sudden change in the mood of a person and distracts him from a disturbing thought, uneasiness and pain. This happens because when we smile our body releases certain hormones which act like a drug. Thus when we are in good mood we do not feel the pain which in other circumstances would have been irritating.  

Every smile is a million dollar smile because it enlightens the whole room and gives others positive vibe. Give others a reason to smile and see how people will love to see you and know you. After all, a smiling is always better than a frowning face. And a smiling face can make more friends. Keep smiling J