Thursday, 13 March 2014

For a Balanced attitude towards life- Watch a Tragedy Movie

This may sound absolutely opposite of what one would like to do while going through a difficult phase, but some great people think it works. When we feel blue or nothing seems nice, we tend to do something which would uplift our spirits. Watching a tragedy movie or a tragic play is not what we would go for. But the legendry philosopher and one of the greatest thinkers- Aristotle differs. Aristotle believed that a tragedy gives pleasure because it excites pity and fear.

There have been many view points on this theory of Aristotle, but researchers and many critics agree with him for two major reasons:

1-      Relative emotions:
When you are in an emotional state of mind you are able to relate to the emotions of a tragedy. At many instances even you feel that you have experienced something similar to what is exhibited on stage. Therefore you respond in a similar way. Tragedy not only excites the negative emotions like pity and fear, but also provides a vent so that it can get out of your system. Hence you feel a pleasurable relief after watching a tragedy. The tragic process is a kind of illumination of the soul which gives you a balanced attitude towards life.

2-      You can count your blessing:
An exhibition of a tragic story on the stage also gives you an opportunity to see the positive aspect of your life. While in a negative frame of mind, we neglect the other aspect of the incident which could have a brighter side. But due to our excess of emotion we turn blind to those possibilities. Hence a story depicted on screen gives us a chance to count our blessings, see what we have along with the darker side on which we are already brooding.

Again the theory so stated is limited to only on stage enactment of a tragic story, and not an actual or real tragedy. While watching a movie or a play even though we get engrossed and emotional, we are aware that it is just a fine presentation of a story by good actors.

I am not sure how effective this trick would be. On the belief that Aristotle is well known philosopher and keeping him in good faith, I might try this as well the next time I feel blue. If it works I have no idea how would I thank him, but definitely another article would get posted on my blog detailing my experience.

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