Thursday, 6 March 2014

A Breath of Life

Breathing is a process that is continuous even when we are in an unconscious state. This process is giving us oxygen and hence keeping us alive. But there are very few people who are aware that breathing right is more important than just breathing. Most of us breathe shallow and because of this are not in a complete state of wellness.

There are group of ‘breatharians’ who are actually learning to breathe in the right way. Deep breathing can be cure of multiple ailments like asthma, allergies, heart disorder, insomnia etc. Breathing deep comes from a continuous practice. A conscious effort will help you in making deep breathing your habit.
There are multiple practices like yoga, martial arts and meditations which focuses of proper inhaling and exhaling. Four easy practices which are taught in yoga can help you to practice proper breathing even at home.

1-      Chanting of ‘Om’- This is a very easy exercise in which you have to chant the word ‘Om’, while you exhale. You have to stress the word while you utter it loud. This increases your inhaling and exhaling time. The more you will inhale; the exhalation time will also get extended automatically.

2-      Count while breathing- In this process you have to count while inhaling and exhaling. Initially start with smaller number and then with practice increase the numbers slowly.

3-      Anuloma-Viloma- This breathing exercise will not only help you in practicing a proper breathing but will also keep your brain healthy. In this exercise you have to use alternate nostril while inhaling and exhaling. As we all know that left side of our brain is responsible for thinking, while right side helps us to sense and feel. When we close our right nostril and inhale from the right side, oxygen reaches our right brain and same thing happens when we inhale from left nostril keeping the right nostril close.

4-       Ujjayi- Ujjayi is a breathing process which is also known as Ocean Breath. In this process we have to make hissing sound while inhaling and exhaling.

You have to focus on your breath while practicing these exercises. Proper breathing also increase the blood flow and oxygen flow to your brain and body. The rhythm that is created due to controlled breathing keeps the mind relaxed and also energizes the body. It might take a longer time for few people to bring the whole process in daily practice, but once it is achieved you can feel the difference in your body and state of mind. 

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