Monday, 23 December 2013

Balance of Nature

It has always been believed that human body is made up of four elements: Air, Water, Earth and Fire, and when we die we turn into these original elements. With the passage of time and excess workload we do not get enough space to take care for ourselves. The advantages of technology has several disadvantages too which we barely notice. We hardly remember any of our contacts these days, while there was a time when we used to have minimum 10-15 numbers stored in our mind. We do not have enough physical workouts these days because most of have sitting jobs and most of our works are done by machines. Result…? We put on extra pounds almost every week and take months for us to lose the same. Heart diseases, diabetes and other ailments are so common among people that we would be shocked to find someone without any disorders.

What should be the answer to these problems? In this busy world where we cannot turn our backs to our tight schedules, do we have any chance to make a positive change? The answer is yes because whenever there is a problem, there is always a solution.
Of course we cannot escape from our daily chores but we can always modify few things that would prove more fruitful. Let’s get back to the nature and find a cure in those four basic elements which made us.

1-      Air:
Get up early morning. Instead of hitting the gym, go out for a jog or do Yoga or meditation. Breathe freely and feel the difference of the fresh air. This will purify your lungs, will increase oxygen flow to your brain, and will keep you fresh and positive the whole day. Yoga is not only a complete physical workout but is also concealing the energy which helps in anti-aging process. Walk barefoot on the cool grass covered with the morning dew. This will not only rejuvenate you but will also make your eyesight better.

2-      Water:
More that 70% of human body is water. So water does not only purify our body by removing the toxic wastes but also is a great source of oxygen. Drink lots of water to purify your digestive system. This will also keep your skin glowing and will maintain moisture balance. Take bath with luke warm water to remain energetic. Wash your face with plain water 4-5 times a day. This will keep you fresh and will also not let oil and dirt clog your skin pores.

3-      Earth:
Earth is not only source of our food but also is the source of many minerals contents essential for our body. Eat organic fruits and vegetables. If organics fruits and vegetables are not available then keep then soaked in salted water for at least 20 minutes so that all the chemicals and pesticides are washed off. Try mud packs for your skin and hair. They have natural minerals and cooking agents. In many places even today mud packs are used to heal skin diseases.

4-      Fire:
Fire has been symbol of might, purity and life. Use fire to cook food instead of using oven and microwave. While cooking, cook in low heat and cover the vessel. This will not only trap the heat inside for quicker process but will also not let the vital nutrients escape because of the heat. Too much of heat easily makes elements like iodine evaporate as soon as we add salt to our preparation. Same thing happens with the nutrition of our food present in form of moisture. Cooking food in a covered vessel will not let this happen and you get more nourished food with amazing flavors which will be new for you. Using iron vessel for cooking will help you to get iron in your body. Just remember to transfer the food from the iron vessel to a regular dish when you have finished cooking.

Always remember that there is balance in everything. Just like there is land and water, males and females, day and night. There is also the balance of problems and solutions. It is just that we are too busy to find that natural balance. 

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