Saturday, 18 January 2014

Self Healing- A miracle present in everyone

Our body functions, both controllable and uncontrollable are all directed by our brain. This scientific fact is known to everyone, but we tend to forget this fact when face some serious situations. In many cases when a patient is being diagnosed by a deadly disease, panic and negative emotions makes his case even worse.

Both mind and body are interdependent. If one is affected, the other will automatically show some changes. You would have experienced this in occasions when you were extremely worried and suddenly got diarrhea or fever. The signs of stress and anxiety gets reflected on our face in form of wrinkles and dark circles. Even doctors emphasizes more on the state of patients mind and advices him to be happy and positive.   

The self healing power of our mind has shown amazing effects. Oscar winner David Seidler is one such extraordinary example. Seidler learned that his bladder cancer has returned even after his initial treatment. With a strong will and positive imagination he visualized that his cancer has been healed. He did not only imagine a clean bladder but also believed that this happened. Surprisingly his cancer disappeared after a scheduled surgery and he has been leading a cancer free life since then.

A lie when told a number of times tends to become true- a statement that has changed many lives and showed them a wider horizon. When we repeatedly tell something to our self after a while we start believing the same. Acceptance becomes easy and our body reacts accordingly.

In one of the article I read about an American woman who suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. She came to know that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer and doctors thought that she would not even live for eight more months. A colleague of hers from office visited her with a small envelope the next day. When she opened it she found seeds of tulip. Her colleague asked her to plant that seeds and assured her that she would live to see the tulips the next spring which she thought would never come for her. Her colleague’s positive message gave her a new spirit and she not only saw the tulips but also lived for another ten years.

There are number of people who are living examples of healing power of mind. They are the true legends who have survived because of their strong will and send the same message to others in form of small anecdotes. 

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