Friday, 31 January 2014

Want to be A Perfect Sculpture or a Mended One?

Obesity amongst kids is the common problem you must have heard about. But there is another group of kids who are fitness freaks. Don’t reach to a conclusion too soon thinking parents of this group of kids do not have to worry about their health. Obviously the concerns are different, but it is equally difficult to deal with these kids.

You can easily recognize the kids belonging to the second group. They are usually self obsessed and too concern about their looks. Sometimes they spend the whole day in front of a mirror. On one hand there are girls who want to go thin and in the process sometimes end up in hospitals due to malnutrition. On the other hand, the boys worship muscularity and spend hours in the gym with the weights. And when they cross the threshold they lose their chance to having a proper growth.

Teens, irrespective of the generations, are stubborn and do not want to listen. Parents because of their concern for the kids are determined to make them understand. Apparently it cannot work both ways. So what do we need to do then?

Girls, it is important to look perfect but not at the cost of your health. Everyone has an ideal weight according to their height, sex and age. If you reduce beyond that ideal weight then you would look like a citizen of a drought stricken country. And that might not be so much appealing.

-          So first find out what should be your ideal weight considering your age and height

-          Do a routine workout, but do not over exert yourself. If you want, then go for a trainer who can guide you properly

-          Do not skip your meals because that damages your body internally. Avoid fatty junk foods and take low calorie, nutritional diet

-          Remember, our body gets accustomed to the routine workouts and after a while do not respond to the same. So keep modifying your exercises in a fortnight or so

-          Take proper rest too

Boys’, keeping your body in good shape and size is nice, but a muscular and toned body looks great with great height. You don’t want to be a person of short height with a bulky body. Lifting weight will not stop the growth of teenagers, but researches have shown that lifting heavy weights stops the growth process at an early age. Lifting extremely heavy weights closes the growth plates at a premature age. Therefore reduces the chance of complete development of the body.

-          The optimum age at which you can start the strength training is 15 or 16

-          Before you start getting trained, go for a medical test to be sure that you are not suffering from blood pressure, hernias or any back problems

-          Start with your own body weight or go for minimal weights

-          Parents or trainers supervision is necessary to avoid any injuries

-          20-30 minutes workout is more than enough, but it should not be done daily. 2-3 times a week would be appropriate

-          Supplements and steroids is a big no because they have adverse health effects

-          Warm ups and cool down exercises are important and cannot be ignored

You know people who say ‘Health is Wealth’ are absolutely right. We don’t realize what harm we cause to our body in the process of becoming a piece of sculpture. But once the harm is done, you don’t get a chance to reverse it. After all even a mended sculpture is also called a defective piece. 

Wednesday, 29 January 2014

Smile… a never lasting Smile

Smile…a never lasting smile
A smile can bring you near to me

Smile… a sweet little smile that makes one look much more attractive. One smile gives reason to many others to smile back. Smile not only says ‘I am happy’, but also is a symbol of confidence and positive frame of mind. But did you ever think that smile could have health benefits too?

Did you know that for a smile, twenty-six facial muscles have to work together? This stretching of our facial muscles is like an exercise for our face. As a result our face gets toned and we look young. Similarly there are other benefits too, like:

1-      Immunity booster- Smile, as we have talked before is a sign of positive frame of mind. Therefore, smile gives us new spirit and stamina to fight back. Due to this positive attitude our immunity gets a natural boost from within and our body gets in a better state to protect itself from foreign ailments.

2-      Controls our blood pressure- When we are under stress our heart beat increases noticeably and blood pressure also elevates. A smile works like a magic for our body in such a case and lowers our blood pressure. Our heart beat reduces and we feel much better. Though this may seem a stupid way, as you have to smile for no reason. But if people can drink and smoke to stay calm, then this seems to be a healthy option to try. Isn’t it?

3-      Keeps stress under control- As mentioned in the above point, a smile controls pulsation, thus relaxes our body and brain. It acts like a stress buster and gives our brain some time to relax and act in a better way.  

4-      A natural drug for pain- Smile brings a sudden change in the mood of a person and distracts him from a disturbing thought, uneasiness and pain. This happens because when we smile our body releases certain hormones which act like a drug. Thus when we are in good mood we do not feel the pain which in other circumstances would have been irritating.  

Every smile is a million dollar smile because it enlightens the whole room and gives others positive vibe. Give others a reason to smile and see how people will love to see you and know you. After all, a smiling is always better than a frowning face. And a smiling face can make more friends. Keep smiling J

Saturday, 25 January 2014

Grandma says 'Breakfast is Important'

How many of us have actually believed this? Hardly anyone, isn’t it? I hated to eat in the morning and my mom had to force feed me every day. But now I realize the importance of breakfast. I know there are so many people just like me, who do not like to have breakfast.

This is because of so many reasons like, we could sleep 15 minutes more, or we can reach office in time if we skip the breakfast. And my personal favorite, I will have to exercise less, if I eat less. But this time management where we save 15 minutes and think we are so smart, disrupts everything.
Various research teams around the world have proved that people who skip breakfast have more probability of being obese and diabetic. The reason behind are:

1-      The difference between our dinner and breakfast of the next day is of 8 or 10 hours, minimum. When we skip our breakfast, we become hungrier by noon and eat more.

2-      We tend to become hungrier if we work out and do not have a nutritional diet. So even after doing enough exercise we do not reduce, as we eat more than we should and usually something unhealthy, because we hardly care of anything when our stomach is growling.

3-      Many people have cereal bars in breakfast thinking it’s a smarter choice. The calorie content in most of these bars is higher than that in sweets. Secondly by eating breakfast high in sugar content, our blood sugar level drops later. As a result we have a sudden urge of eating something sweet and we end up eating high calorie refined carb.

4-      Another reason why even after so much of workouts we do not burn enough fat is because our body does not process the food eaten after a big gap easily. Food is like fuel to our body. When we eat after a significant gap, our body tries to hold onto the nutrients as long as possible.

My grandma told me a rule to remember to have a health and fit body. She said that we should have breakfast like a king. Means breakfast should be heavy and nutritious. Lunch should be like a commoner which should have sufficient food so that you survive till dinner and at the same time should not starve. And last but not the least; dinner should be like a beggar. This means bare minimum food because at night, body will be resting therefore will not burn any energy.

You also try this rule and you will feel a significant difference within yourself. Your workouts will also show desirable effect without making you starve. Enjoy a healthy breakfast daily J  

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Stay Young with Fruit Punch

Staying young is one wish that everyone has. I always used to think that there should be some magical drink or fruit which has the power to bestow and preserve youth forever. Crazy wish as some would say. But sometimes when we think something is too crazy to be true, they actually make sense.

Researches have shown that some natural fruits have amazing anti-aging qualities. With the increase in age, the process of new cells replacing the dead cells becomes slow. As a result wrinkles, grey hair, patchy skin etc become more evident. There are few fruits which help in speeding up the replacement process and hence the aging process slows down in the body. Some of such fruits are:

1-      Pomegranate- Also known as Queen of Anti-Aging fruits. Rich in antioxidant Vitamin C and anthocyanins, the fruit has capability to keep DNA free from damage.  This fruit also contains Vitamin K, calcium, manganese and magnesium which help in the creation of new bone cells. Also maintains bone density and strength which is a major concern among women these days.

2-      Kiwi- It is a wonder fruit rich with omega 3 oils, vitamins and minerals. You would be surprised to know that Kiwi has more Vitamin C that orange and more potassium than a banana. It is also rich with Vitamin of youth- Vitamin E.

3-      Blueberries- So far you would have understood that Vitamin C and E are essential to make any fruit a gift for youth. So it is needless to say that this fruit also has Vitamin C and Vitamin E. Apart from this, blueberries also reduces the insulin level in the blood therefore preventing problem of diabetes which is a major enemy of youth.  

4-      Strawberries- This beautiful fruit has abundant of vitamin C, Omega 3 fatty acids, copper, magnesium, iodine and dietary fibers. Including strawberries in the diet reduces the risk of cancer and heart diseases. Also it reduces the effect of Alzheimer’s disease.

My Fruit Punch- To make it more fun, try my fruit punch. Cut the fruits in medium pieces and keep it separate. Blend a mix of few of the fruits with little honey and make a fruit sauce. You can add little olive oil and cinnamon stick. Stir the chopped fruit in olive oil. Put it in a bowl and garnish with the fruit sauce prepared.

These fruits may not fulfill my wish of being ‘forever young’ completely, but I am still happy being bestowed with half of my wish.  J

Saturday, 18 January 2014

Self Healing- A miracle present in everyone

Our body functions, both controllable and uncontrollable are all directed by our brain. This scientific fact is known to everyone, but we tend to forget this fact when face some serious situations. In many cases when a patient is being diagnosed by a deadly disease, panic and negative emotions makes his case even worse.

Both mind and body are interdependent. If one is affected, the other will automatically show some changes. You would have experienced this in occasions when you were extremely worried and suddenly got diarrhea or fever. The signs of stress and anxiety gets reflected on our face in form of wrinkles and dark circles. Even doctors emphasizes more on the state of patients mind and advices him to be happy and positive.   

The self healing power of our mind has shown amazing effects. Oscar winner David Seidler is one such extraordinary example. Seidler learned that his bladder cancer has returned even after his initial treatment. With a strong will and positive imagination he visualized that his cancer has been healed. He did not only imagine a clean bladder but also believed that this happened. Surprisingly his cancer disappeared after a scheduled surgery and he has been leading a cancer free life since then.

A lie when told a number of times tends to become true- a statement that has changed many lives and showed them a wider horizon. When we repeatedly tell something to our self after a while we start believing the same. Acceptance becomes easy and our body reacts accordingly.

In one of the article I read about an American woman who suddenly fell ill and was hospitalized. She came to know that she has been diagnosed with breast cancer and doctors thought that she would not even live for eight more months. A colleague of hers from office visited her with a small envelope the next day. When she opened it she found seeds of tulip. Her colleague asked her to plant that seeds and assured her that she would live to see the tulips the next spring which she thought would never come for her. Her colleague’s positive message gave her a new spirit and she not only saw the tulips but also lived for another ten years.

There are number of people who are living examples of healing power of mind. They are the true legends who have survived because of their strong will and send the same message to others in form of small anecdotes. 

Tuesday, 14 January 2014

Eat right to stay warm

Severe winters are hard on people, especially for the kids and senior members of the family. Layers of clothing and warm boots are not enough. It is important to be winter ready from within. Therefore body should get the right nutrition to maintain proper body temperature. Here are few food items which can help you to ward off this hard winter and also boost your immunity.

1-      Nuts and Grains- Eat lots of nuts and seeds like pumpkin seeds, walnut, pine nuts etc as they generate heat in your body and also empower the immune system. Breakfast is the most crucial meal of the day, therefore have oatmeal or cornflakes and top it with nuts of your choice. Nut bars are the best ways to make kids eat. Find exiting recipes to include these items in food.

2-      Soups- It is the easiest way to get nutrients and fibers. Soup made with chicken bone has immune stimulating properties. Bone marrow has healing properties that cures and also protects against cold. Soups are easy to make and includes vast varieties. You can also create your own new soup recipe using the known soup ingredients and by doing a mix and match.

3-      Salad- Salads are good source of rich fiber that helps in keeping the body warm. Include vegetables like carrots, apple, onion, radish etc while you are preparing salad. You can add egg mayonnaise for taste. Egg has essential fat that also produces lot of heat during digestion. You can include chili peppers in your salad. Chili pepper cures congested nasal passage.

4-      Tea- Beverage like Ginger tea and Ginseng tea has heat inducing properties that protects against chills and fever. While using ginseng make sure you use the right ginseng as there are different types of Ginseng and all are not heat inducing.

5-      Salmon- It is a wonderful source of Vitamin D. Lack of vitamin D increases the chances of developing respiratory infections. As in winter season it is hard to get sunshine vitamin, cough, cold and flu become common. Salmon is a great alternative to consume Vitamin D and also helps in boosting up the immune system.

Proper food will help you a lot to go through harsh winters. Due to the digestion process, the food releases lot of heat energy due to which our body temperature rises. Therefore it is important to ensure that you do not skip any meal. Eat right to stay warm. Happy winters!

Friday, 10 January 2014

PCOS cure- Economical, Effective and Easy

PCOS is a common problem that is faced by most of the women these days. In simple English, PCOS is ovarian disease that is caused due to hormonal abnormalities. Surprisingly around 90% women suffer from this problem and most of them are not even aware of it. So if you notice symptoms like obesity, acne, unwanted hair on skin or menstrual irregularities, then please go and see a doctor.

There is no cure for PCOS, it can only be managed and controlled by regular exercise and balanced diet. PCOS is the result of hormonal imbalance, so most of the doctors prescribe contraceptive pills. Contraceptive pills on one hand do control hormonal imbalance but also have a number of side effects.

The side effects of the medicines are permanent and affect the body in the long term. After a lot of research I found that there are natural remedies which are easy and really effective. You just have to remember few things which are mentioned below.

1)      Keep a watch on:
-          Your weight- The first thing you have to do is to reduce that extra pound which is one of the real causes of this problem. Even if you are not overweight you are advised to work out on regular basis.
-          Food Habit- Insulin resistance is another major factor which leads to PCOS and later can cause bacterial infections and diabetes. Try eating more fruits and vegetables rich in fiber, and avoid artificial sugar.
-          Maintain a routine- Lifestyle modification is must to cure PCOS. Have a healthy lifestyle. Eat protein rich food in small portions.

2)      Avoid:
-          Alcohol
-          Coffee
-          Sugary food and refined carbs
-          Diary and animal products- Reduce the intake if you cannot avoid them as the hormones secreted by animals play havoc in your body
-          Processed food

3)      Natural Intakes: Natural herbs have shown amazing effects without any side effect. Some of the herbs that are easily available and also easy on your pockets are given below:

-          Carrot and Carrot seeds- Carrot seeds are more effective. 1 teaspoon daily will show you results in a month
-          Cinnamon- Improves insulin sensitivity
-          Fenugreek seeds- Amino acid in these seeds are helpful in controlling blood sugar level
-          Basil- They are rich in antioxidants therefore helps in preventing stress

Apart from these, include turmeric, nutmeg, ginger, garlic, fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet.

4)      Meditation and Yoga: According to the studies, our body reacts in number of ways when we are under stress. Excess hormonal secretion is one of the results which show effect in the long term and one of such effect is PCOS in women. Meditation and Yoga are the best stress relievers which show permanent results.

-          Practice those yoga postures that open and stretch the pelvis portion of the body as it will improve blood circulation and also regulate metabolism.
-          Practicing meditation and breathing exercises will relax your body thereby relieving you from stress.

The above tried methods have shown great results. Popping pills is easier than to live a disciplined life, but thinking of the long term will help you to take the right decision. A little effort on your part will free you from ill health. Say no to pills and lead a healthy life.

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Love Yourself

Love… a feeling that binds two people and cannot be defined. We love our parents, our family, and our friends and we also sometimes fall for a stranger. We love so many people but often forget the most important person…our own self.

How often do we think about our self? When did you count yourself among your favorite personality? Yes of course you can say that I always think of my future. I always have the answer when the interviewer asks me ‘Where do you see yourself ten years down the lane?’ And I always do my SWOT analysis while preparing my resume.

All the above mentioned things are just a concern and preparation for our unknown destiny. It is not even a complete reflection of our true self. We keep analyzing ourselves doing SWOT and always trying to figure out how we can tackle with our weaknesses and threats. We do not love our weakness and threat as much we love our strengths and opportunities. We put a constant effort to change our self into an admirable flawless icon.

The fault is not when we desire to change into a better human being. The fault is when we do not accept ourselves. Everyone has a unique personality, an individuality which differentiates us from rest of the crowd. In fact our imperfections only distinguishes us because if everyone would have met all the standards of perfection then we wouldn’t have known Mahatma Gandhi, Einstein, Mother Teresa, Shakespeare and many others, as everyone would have been the same.

Accepting our weakness makes us confident and stronger. When we will learn to love ourselves, we will be able to love others truly. It is learning to conquer oneself in order to win over others love.
In my school days we were made to sing a devotional hindi song. Its lyrics were:

hum ko man kii shakti denaa, mana vijaya karin
duusaron kii jaya se pahale, khud kii jaya kare

In these lines the poet is asking for strength and courage in the heart so that he could conquer the inner self before conquering others. I kept on singing the song for so many years closing my eyes every time in the prayer assembly, never really understanding the meaning of the song. But today when I think, I feel so stupid for not realizing how meaningful and beautiful this song is.

Our inner strength lies in true understanding, which comes only when we accept who we are. No one knows us better and no one can know us better than ourselves. 

Saturday, 4 January 2014

Good gifts come in small packages

Good gifts come in small packages” so true isn’t it? A small flower increases the beauty of the whole garden, tiny rain drops of the first monsoon elevates the spirit of the farmer, and a new born baby becomes the reason of joy for the whole family. In the similar way nature has bestowed us with a number of small gifts. We are surrounded by them but do not realize their importance.

Ayurveda studies such small elements and brings to us their benefits. It is such a vast subject that more you research about it, vaster its horizons become. The advantage of ayurveda is that it uses natural ingredients to cure human ailments. So it is easy, natural with no side effects and you can find these ingredients at home. Let us take a look at some known and available items.

1-      Turmeric- It is such a spice which is available in almost every house and it has so many benefits that make it “the Queen of spice”.  Its anti-inflammatory quality makes it beneficial in healing wounds and skin problems. It is used in enhancing beauty as it removes marks and makes skin fairer. Not only this, turmeric treats diseases like Alzheimer, diabetes, prevents cancer and also boosts the immune system.  

2-      Basil- Basil is considered a holy plant in India due to its amazing benefits. It is rich in anti-oxidants therefore it is very helpful in relieving stress. Basil is also known for its anti-aging quality which slows down the aging process.

3-      Garlic- It is very beneficial for diabetic patients. It reduces the glucose level and also has anti-oxidant qualities. As garlic is antimicrobial, it is used to cure eczema and other fungal infections.

4-      Coriander- Coriander is called a health booster. It removes toxic elements from the body and purifies blood.  It cures indigestion and also protects against urinary tract infection. Coriander lowers bad cholesterol and increases good cholesterol.

5-      Coconut Oil- A source of nourishment used by people from years. Coconut oil helps in retaining moisture in our body, and keeps it soft and supple. Lauric acid present in coconut oil helps in preventing heart diseases. Coconut oil if applied and also consumed, helps in preventing premature aging.

Similarly all other naturally available spices, fruits, vegetables, herbs and even oil have many hidden qualities. Ayurveda is not only for beauty enhancement but has permanent solutions for many diseases. Look into ayurveda for your problem and get surprised by finding the solution in your own kitchen. Keep exploring more with Ayurveda and stay healthy.